It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Sitcom americana do canal de cabo FX que gira em torno de um curioso grupo de amigos que juntos resolvem abrir um bar em Filadélfia, chamado Paddy´s Pub, julgando ver nele a oportunidade de conhecer mais mulheres. No entanto, sai tudo ao contrário, o que irá gerar imensas confusões. Uma comédia crua e sem tabus, cheia de impressões sociais ácidas e personagens muito pitorescas. De destacar a presença do conhecido actor Danny DeVito.




  • Ano início : 2005
  • Ano fim : n/a
  • Emissora : FX
  • País de origem : EUA
  • Estado : Em andamento
  • Página oficial : Link

Temporada 1
RMVB | Inglês | Legendado

Temporada 2
RMVB | Inglês | Legendado

Temporada 3
RMVB | Inglês | Legendado

  • 3.01 - The Gang Finds a Dumpster Baby : FileServe
  • 3.02 - The Gang Gets Invincible : FileServe
  • 3.03 - Dennis and Dee’s Mom is Dead : FileServe
  • 3.04 - The Gang Gets Held Hostage : FileServe
  • 3.05 - The Aluminum Monster Vs. Fatty Mcgoo : FileServe
  • 3.06 - The Gang Solves the North Korea Situation : FileServe
  • 3.07 - The Gang Sells Out : FileServe
  • 3.08 - Frank Sets Sweet Dee on Fire : FileServe
  • 3.09 - Sweet Dee’s Dating a Retard Person : FileServe
  • 3.10 - Mac is a Serial Killer : FileServe
  • 3.11 - Dennis Looks Like a Registered Sex Offender : FileServe
  • 3.12-13 - The Gangs Gets Whacked : FileServe
  • 3.14 - Bums: Making a Mess All Over the City : FileServe
  • 3.15 - The Gang Dances Their Asses Off  [Fim T3] : FileServe

Temporada 4
RMVB | Inglês | Legendado

  • 4.01 - Mac and Dennis: Manhunters : FileServe
  • 4.02 - The Gang Solves The Gas Crisis : FileServe
  • 4.03 - America’s Next Top Paddy’s Billboard Model Contest : FileServe
  • 4.04 - Mac’s Banging the Waitress : FileServe
  • 4.05-06 - Mac & Charlie Die : FileServe
  • 4.07 - Who Pooped the Bed? : FileServe
  • 4.08 - Paddy’s Pub: The Worst Bar in Philadelphia : FileServe
  • 4.09 - Dennis Reynolds: An Erotic Life : FileServe
  • 4.10 - Sweet Dee Has a Heart Attack : FileServe
  • 4.11 - The Gang Cracks the Liberty Bell : FileServe
  • 4.12 - The Gang Gets Extreme: Home Makeover : FileServe
  • 4.13 - The Nightman Cometh [Fim T4] : FileServe

Temporada 5
RMVB | Inglês | Legendado

  • 5.01 - The Gang Exploits the Mortgage Crisis : FileServe
  • 5.02 - The Gang Hits the Road : FileServe
  • 5.03 - The Great Recession : FileServe
  • 5.04 - The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention : FileServe
  • 5.05 - The Waitress is Getting Married : FileServe
  • 5.06 - The World Series Defense : FileServe
  • 5.07 - The Gang Wrestles for the Troops : FileServe
  • 5.08 - Paddy’s Pub: Home of the Original Kitten Mittens : FileServe
  • 5.09 - Mac and Dennis Break Up : FileServe
  • 5.10 - The D.E.N.N.I.S. System : FileServe
  • 5.11 - Mac and Charlie Write a Movie : FileServe
  • 5.12 - The Gang Reignites the Rivalry [Fim T5] : FileServe
  • 5.13 - A Very Sunny Christmas [Especial de Natal] : FileServe

Temporada 6
RMVB | Inglês | Legendado

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

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